
+27 (0) 11 748 8800

1 Hospital Road, Brakpan, Gauteng


Gravelotte Mines Contributes to the Social Economic Growth of our Country and to Ekurhuleni

Gravelotte appointed a sub-contractor to conduct earthworks on certain of its mining areas. An ad-hoc project that created jobs and helped in the development of a local sub – contractor which was a 100% women owned HDSA company. All part of its social development initiatives reviewed every 5 years.

Supporting Local Farmers 

Gravelotte is supporting a local farming operator by helping them plant Cabbages, Lettuce, and Onions across an 80-hectare farm. The support includes access to water from Gravelotte’s operations, security in the area, and necessary consumable products. These efforts are part of Gravelotte’s social development initiatives, which are reviewed every five years to ensure their effectiveness and impact on the community.